family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Preparing for the zombie apocalypse- August 12th

Once we were more settled in, we decided to go beef up on our food pun intended!  We decided to head over to the tri-cities and go to a Winco.  We filled cart after cart with groceries and noticed that we were getting a lot of stares at our 7 gallons of oil or 10 containers of shortening, etc.
After we would fill up two carts, we would check out, load it into the car and start all over again. During our first check out, one woman kept eye-balling our carts.  Finally she couldn't stand it anymore.  She asked Shawn, "Do you guys have a restaurant or something?"  Shawn kept a straight face and answered, "No, we just thought that we would get ready for the zombie apocalypse."  She nodded and said, "oh.  Yes, I have heard that some people are doing that."  Then, of course, Shawn explained to her that we really just like to keep a year's supply of food on hand for emergencies and because we have such a large family to feed.  She seemed to think that was a much better idea.  We got a good laugh out of the whole experience.

Our last time through the checkout, the manager of the store caught up to us and commented on all that we had been buying.  He told us that we were welcome to call ahead, in the future, and they will have the order all ready for us!  We will definitely keep that in mind....
So funny that this expedition drew so much attention!  We did this twice a year in Rexburg, but no one even batted an eye, because they were all doing it too.  We definitely live in a different land now!

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