family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

solving problems

What do YOU do when your mom tells you that you can either have left- overs for lunch OR a peanut butter sandwich (both of which you despise)??

Come up with a new solution, that's what.  Tell your mom that you will make your own sandwich. Where's the mayonnaise, you inquire?  Your mom reminds you that there is no lunch meat.  "I don't care", you say as you continue to ask for the mayo.  Mom slices you some bread.  You get out all of the necessary sandwich fixings.

And get busy:

Put on LOTS of mayo, that's the best part:

And mustard - oops- a little too much:

For some reason, your mom watches you like you've never made a sandwich before....duh...even though you made one for dad JUST LIKE IT this weekend, and he ate it and looked so delighted because you made it just. for. him:

You position a pile of greens rightttt in the middle of the bread....

...and place the top on before they can move. Lick your fingers and voila!:

JUST the way you like it!!:

Mom's sure watching me close, you think.

She probably wishes that she had made a sandwich like this instead of eating left overs;)!

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