family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The last of the January things!

I've been into sewing lately, and made these baby shoes.

They were cute on Anjoleena's feet:
Kami and her trainer, Sister Orines in the Phillipines:
Caden with his district in the MTC:

Nolan wrote Shawn and I the sweetest note.  I seriously need to frame it and save it forever: " Dear mom and dad.  You are the most amazing parents in the world.  When I am older I hope that I am just like you.  Both of you are so amazing and smart.  I know that I am in good hands.  You two are the coolest people I know.  Love, Nolan"

Shawn and his little  boys after FHE one evening:
Some pretty frost on the car one morning:

While we were experiencing this cold and frost, Kami was living in the tropics:

Abram read to Pace one day after school until Pace crashed:

Sometimes I read to Pace in the afternoon and then can't keep my eyes open for another second and we have to take a nap.  I love it so much!  I always wake up pretty quick, and Pace sleeps until it's time to start picking kids up from school.  I pay for it later when he can't fall to sleep at bed time, though:

Other times it's endless games of UNO that get me feeling sleepy.  But how can I say no to this face that is asking for "one more game"?!?


  1. Hey I totally agree with everything in Nolan's letter! It could have come from me!
