family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Poor itchy Pace

This is a picture of Pace taking a nap on me.  Again.  I love these times so much!

I woke him up from this nap to take him to pick up the boys from school and he cried all the way there.  I thought that he was just having a hard time waking up, but when we got there, he crawled up into the front seat and got on my lap and asked me to scratch his neck.  This is when I discovered that he had all these welts all over:
His body was covered in them and he was going crazy because they were itching so bad!

So after the pick- the- kids- up- from- school circuit, we drove to see Doctor Harrison, our favorite doctor:

Pace had already been in a couple of days earlier because he has had a bad cough and was wheezing like crazy because he always gets asthma when he has a cold.  Dr. Harrison said that what Pace had was hives, and gave him even more medicine because his lungs were full of fluid:(

This is Pace for the last couple of days, when he doesn't keep up on Benadryl during the night:

Hopefully he feels better soon!  These itchy hives are no fun!


  1. I love hearing all the updates. SO hard to say good-bye to two missionaries!!!

  2. That looks like no fun! Hope he makes a speedy recovery!
