family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, February 18, 2018

A table at last!!

When we moved to Pendleton, I sold a lot of our furniture that wouldn't work for this house.  One of those pieces of furniture was our dining table.  Most of the summer we ate out on our deck and when the weather got cooler, we set up a long skinny table in our dining room, but it was so skinny that we had to dish up before we sat down because there was only room for plates on either side. 

Well last week, Shawn finally finished building our new table and even though it was a long wait, it was worth the wait!!  We love having a table again, so much!!

Shawn attaching the table top to the legs. He built this like a huge butcher block, out of a lot walnut.  It is beautiful:

He figures the top weights almost 200 pounds, and the whole family had to help him carry it in from the garage when it was all finished.  Kind-of scary!:

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