family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unusual snack

I was working on a sewing project yesterday when Isabelle came in wondering what she could have for a snack.  I didn't want to stop working , so I told her that there were oranges and apples in the fruit basket. She turned up her nose about that because she is not a fruit- lover.  She left for a little bit and examined the fruit basket and then the basket below that, where she found some corn on the cob.

She came back into my sewing room and jokingly said, "Can I have some corn on the cob?"  I told her that she could try it and she looked really surprised and said, "Raw?!?"  I could tell that she really wasn't interested.

As an after-thought I told her that Jesus' apostles were really hungry one day (which happened to be the Sabbath) and they were walking through a cornfield, so they began eating some corn as they went, and I was pretty sure they ate it raw. I told her about how the Pharisees were angry about it because they thought the apostles were breaking the Sabbath.  Isabelle's smarter than the Pharisees because she said, "What?  People still need to eat even if it's Sunday!"

This conversation must have sparked her interest, because she left, and the next thing I knew she was back with a husked corn on the cob, trying it out.

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