family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Two months from today and KAMI WILL BE HOME!!!!!!! 

Also, after months of never seeing a picture of her, she sent these this week! 

We are so excited about the new missionary announcement that missionaries can call home on -
p-days, too.  I don't know that this will affect Kami since she is generally sleeping when we are awake and vice versa.

She has been a sister training leader for awhile now and is LOVING her mission, but she told me that she is "excited to feel human again".  She can't wait to be able to fix up -and stay looking nice once she does- and to get her hair cut! I'm sure she won't complain about having running water for showers, not having to do her laundry by hand, and a rat-free house, either! She can go back to BYU when she gets home, or transfer to BYU-I.  Shawn and I applied for school there for her just in case she wants the option.