family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Before and afters for my hair cut

I hadn't done anything to my hair for a year and really wanted a change.  I like the beautician that I go to a lot and I told her that I couldn't decide if I should grow it out or cut it off.  She didn't even hesitate and said, "cut it off!"  Then she cut it shorter than I have EVER had it.  Everyone in the house loves it; I am trying to get used to it. 

Isabelle took some "before" pictures before I left:

Me trying to take a selfie of the after:

Eli asked for a picture of it while I was at the gym, so I got to send a gym pic, haha.  I can't even put it in a pony tail anymore. 
I think I am liking it short...