family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, February 10, 2019


For a couple of weeks, I was really into crocheting hats for my girls in my spare time:

Just look at that cute little face under this hat:

And this little cutie:

Maddie caught the bug and made a couple of her own, and made hers even cooler by wood burning her initials onto a piece of leather:

Shawn turned out three new house plans; his favorite hobby and what he does in all of his spare time:

Nolan and Abram spent a few days making some armor so that they could safely have an air soft war. They said it was very effective:

Pace got excited about teaching the family to make ground hogs for Ground hogs day.  I told him that would be a fun activity!  He got so excited to get everything ready that he suddenly had a violent attack of sickness and insisted that he couldn't go to school.  I let him stay home and he played along with the sickness for about an hour and a half and stayed in bed.  Then he got up and told me he wasn't really sick but had wanted to get things ready to make groundhogs. And I let him do just that.  

Nolan and Abram weren't very excited about the prospect of an art project making ground hogs until I told them that I was sure there were "demented" groundhogs.  They got a light in their eyes and got into the project. Shawn and I went to the temple when Shawn got off of work, and when we got home we got a laugh out of the finished products.  Especially Abrams and his groundhog that says, "Hi I'm Fill".

Isabelle has wanted to have an Instagram account for some time now, but we haven't felt good about it.  Recently she asked if she could have an account that was called "Baking with Belle" and only had things she baked on it.  She started with all kinds of treats, but has seemed to settle on cake decorating.  She bakes and decorates AT LEAST two cakes per week; sometimes more.  Luckily she gives most of them away, or we would all be packing on the pounds!

This one is one that she made for the Ware's to welcome them home from a trip to Hawaii:
A Valentine's cake:

A cake she made for an investigator:
She's got endless ideas for cakes to make and decorate. 

1 comment:

  1. That pineapple cake is adorable! The roses on the pink one are amazing. What a creative child.
