family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, August 6, 2017


My friends are such that we will be friends forever, but as we got ready to leave the area, we tried to get together before I left for good.  All of these friends mean so much to me and I have learned so much from them through the years.  I realized I had no pictures with them and made an effort to document this moment in time:

Amber and I have gotten together at *least* three days a week for the last 8 years!  She is my exercise buddy, and we have had so many great morning discussions about everything under the sun and also solved so many household/family relation problems during our morning exercise sessions.  It made it a little easier to leave knowing that she was also moving a couple of months after us...

I've been friends with CodyAnn ever since I was her visiting teacher clear back when we both had just two kids!  We have spent many the morning on the phone talking while we simultaneously clean our houses:

Tara is such an incredible person!  She always knows when something is going on in my life and gives me a call.  She knows the perfect thing to say or do, is so perceptive and makes anyone around her feel like a million bucks.  She is also one of the most talented people that I know, and has the best laugh.  We always have great discussions when we are together.

Susan and I met in a stake choir practice.  She was one of those people that God orchestrated me meeting right at that time because we both needed each other!  We were both wondering about having another baby - feeling like we probably should.  We were there for each other through that subsequent pregnancy and new- born stage, as both of our husbands were gone so much. Not long after we met, we were in the Stake Presidents office with our spouses at the same time.  They were coming out just as we were going in!  Her husband was called to be the bishop the same time that Shawn was.  We helped each other through that phase too:

I wish I had gotten pictures of a couple more of my friends, but maybe next time.  Also, moving is interesting, because I suddenly realized that I felt so close to so many more people.  Women from my ward.  I know that those friendships will continue to grow and build as they are already making plans to come visit.  I am so grateful for my friends and the many ways they have enriched my life and helped me through trying times.

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