family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Monday, March 2, 2015

I know.

I've been terrible about blogging lately.  It's been pretty busy around here; mostly because my time is taken up with helping Kami get ready for the Distinguished Young Woman program that she is participating in, that will take place at the end of March.

This morning Pace woke up with a fever and just fell asleep on the couch. #never happens.  He never snuggles with me, either.  It may sound heartless to say, but I LOVE it when my toddlers get sick (and feel miserable....) because they let me snuggle with them to my hearts content! I guess it's a good thing that my plans to go to the gym this morning are foiled, because now I have time to blog?

Pace got to the bread yesterday and squished it down and turned it into swiss cheese:

A few days ago, he found out that he loves boysenberries:

I am wondering if everyone is having a vole problem or if they're only over-running our side of town?  Maybe it was the mild winter.  Anyway, Maddie, Isabelle, Nolan and Abram have been having a great time being "mouse hunters" with traps and the bb gun.  Luckily, our cat is also being a great mouse hunter, and for a change I am thrilled when she leaves her offerings on our front porch because it's a visual for me that she is trimming down the supply!

I googled "How to get rid of voles" and was surprised to find that it's against the law to kill them in some states.  COME. ON.  Dumbest law I have ever heard? Possibly.... Evidently you are supposed to catch and release them somewhere.  I think this law was put into place in some states to breed contention amongst neighbors?  Also, cats are not recommended because "then you don't have the catch and release option."

Pretty sure that Idaho has no such law, but I didn't bother to check, either;) Abe found this tiny bent-up saw "sea-saw" outside this morning and said, "Mom, now whenever I want to cut a mouse in half...!!!"

Don't worry that won't be happening.

I gave my three little boys hair cuts the other day and thought this was cute.  Top pile was from Nolan, Middle was Pace and then Abram:)

Now I am off to add bling to this shirt that Kami is wearing for her "opening number":

And making something akin to this for another part of her performance:

Fun times.


  1. A-maz-ing!! What a a fun, busy life! I share your absolute HATRED of voles!!! I went a little Dirty-Hairy on one or two of them back in the day. Cats. Lots and lots of cats. And maybe a snake or two...

  2. Michone did the Distinguished Young Women thing last year and absolutely loved it! I hope Kami is enjoying it just as much.

  3. Pace is such a cute little man. That is a sweet picture of him cuddled up asleep on the couch.

    Until they start putting tracking collars on the vermin their days are numbered here. Maybe I don't mind cats so much after all.

    You have been mentioning the Distinguished Young Women a lot. What exactly is it? It sounds like a neat experience. Heidi

  4. Fun things going on at your house! I'm excited for Kami! Wish we could be there to see her perform!

  5. I am intrigued by Kami's costume. I wish I could see her performances! Pace is so cute!
