family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Of things Valentine

The kids and I made all of their Valentines this year.  Abe opted for these "love bugs" because there is a boy in his class that has seizures and has to be on a very special diet.  We hoped that he would be able to have these:

Nolan's: we worked on these together; I made some, he made some:

Isabelle made these bookmarks, which I thought was a very fitting Valentine for a book worm to give:

We did our annual tradition of writing poems about each other and sticking them all over the windows.  I thought it was cute that the kids were often up on the counter reading them:

....And then we broke with our other traditions, because Shawn invited me to go to Sun Valley with him for Valentines since the day fell on the weekend! We left on Friday around 10:30 and came home in the late afternoon on Saturday. We had such a great time! I surely do enjoy spending time with him.

As we got into our suitcases, we found a plethora of darling Valentines (from Maddie, Isabelle, Nolan and Abram) such as this:

It's hard to leave the crew at times, but if you get the chance, I highly recommend it!

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