family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Independence day!

A big breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at our house with all of the local Gees: (even Dave and Kelley and kids who were up visiting!)

Around the table, front left going clockwise:  Bronson, Nicole, Isabelle, Ainsley, Nolan, Isaac, Sam, Abram, Eli:

A fun run directly before the parade, Kami i the black top/orange shorts and Shawn to her left:

Nolan red shorts, white Nike t-shirt; Maddie clear across the street from hi in the dark blue shorts an white shirt:


....And Isabelle in the Jean shorts with her cousin Ainsley to her left, (above.)

The parade; Caden was a participant as class president and in the student council:

There he is at the back of the pick-up in the white shorts:

Shawn and Pace were spectators:)
When we got home from the parade we ate and then got ready to go swimming at the local water park, because fun- runners won tickets to swim!:) That was really fun - even Pace thoroughly enjoyed it!

After that we went over to Jim and Marilyn's for a dutch oven dinner, a few home fireworks and great company. (No real fireworks show because we just went to a huge one the weekend before.  Which burnt us out on firework shows for awhile.  Because although it was spectacular, we didn't get home until almost 2:00 am....)

And that's how we celebrated America's birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Looks fun and festive! In the picture of Nolan I'm assuming you meant orange shorts because I didn't see anyone in white shorts and t-shirt. He is looking so big! Heidi
