family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Boy time

Shawn's traveling is really hard on his little boys.  They miss him so much when he is gone! I thought it was cute because before he left this last week, Abram pulled him aside and said, "Dad, I think we need to go on a date before you leave." Hmmm...I wonder where he has heard that before?!?!

Shawn agreed with him, and asked him what he would like to do?  He said that he wanted to have a snack at McDonalds and then play on the equipment there. Then Abram also invited Nolan along and told him that he had "infinity chances" to come with he and Shawn.  Meaning, that even if Nolan made him mad over and over and over again before they left, he would still let him come along:)

They had a good time with their dad:

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