family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Don't think my kid is weird

Abram has been enjoying beating Shawn and me at games lately.  We play several games of "memory" and checkers every day.  He usually beats me:)  I don't love to play games much, but it's pretty entertaining playing with him!

He is also into combing hair.  He gives us some pretty fancy hair-dos whenever he can get us to sit down,  usually during scriptures or FHE:

I don't think Kami or I need to worry about fixing our own hair anymore!
Evidently this is a really fun way to pass the time right now!  He filled up one of my old hair-spray bottles with water and he and Nolan keep us entertained with all the crazy hair-dos they come up with. Their hair is either glued down with water, swirled, or spiked sky high. Today Abram sported "The Mayor of Who-ville hair-do" for part of the day.

He also discovered that Pace was a fun subject to work on.  Pace was a good sport:


  1. There's just too much talent within your family! Beautiful hair!
    Also, Pace is getting big!
    And, I think Abram looks like Maddie in the last picture.
