family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's day is GREAT when you make someone else's day brighter!!

Well, after a week and a half of hard work, Nolan finished up his "robot valentines".  He was as pleased as punch about them and so excited to take them to school.  I mass produced different shapes for him, but he did everything else- this was quite a project for a five year old!!

Isabelle and Madeline finished theirs as well:

We did our traditional valentines poems about everyone in the family and hung them around on the kitchen windows...we weren't quite as poetic this year, so I will spare you the poems:) I WAS pleased with one that I wrote about Shawn, though, because I was able to put in a few quotes that are always used in Louis L'amour novels.  (Shawn's go-to reading when he needs something really light and has time to read for pleasure -hasn't happened in a long while, so I thought he's enjoy it vicariously through my lovely poetry:)  I generally enjoy making fun of Louis L'amours and the frequently- used quotes in them:) My poem:

"Shawn is an anchor, a ship in my port,
When the "chips are down,"
he's such a great sport!
caring and loving, a sweetheart- giver,
He's one with which to
"ride the river"!"

We also made our traditional cupid rounds and Shawn did his traditional buying of roses for all of us ladies in the family.  He sends them to school for the girls - cute! I buy the boys chocolates or something...So we did all of our traditional things, but the BEST part of Valentines day was Kami's Valentine's day!

A week or so ago I mentioned to Kami that it might be fun for her and her friends to anonymously give valentines with really nice notes and candy on them, to random people all day at school.  She mentioned it to her friends and they were really excited about the idea, so for several weeks they watched people and decided who they thought could use a pick-me-up or that would just be fun to give a Valentine to. They pretty much stalked them:) They had the best day!!! One boy held his Valentine in his hand all day long and was still holding it on the bus ride home.  They walked up to one boy and told him that someone wanted them to give him a Valentine and he kept saying, "Are you sure it's really for me?" "Are you sure?"  They kept reassuring him.  Isn't that kind-of sad? Anyways, they had the greatest day!  There was also a boy in Kami's class that made a Valentine for every single girl in the class and no two Valentine's said the same thing. Kami's said, "Dear Kamille, You're the shine to my sun.  You're flippin' amazing and beautiful."  He made all the girls feel special like that. What a nice kid!

Kami ended the day by saying, "There are so many people that say they HATE Valentine's day! I think the reason they don't like it is because they sit around waiting for someone to make the day good for them.  They would love it if they stopped thinking about themselves and thought about how they could brighten up someone else's day!!!"


  1. Nolan's valentines are so cute! Your poem was amazing, even if I didn't know the book references! I bet Kami and her friends made the year for those kids. What a great idea!

  2. I love all the great Valentine ideas. What wonderful kids you have!

  3. I love Nolan's valentines. You guys are so good at everything you do. You are a super mom Amy with all of the things you teach your kids.

  4. I love your poem for Shawn. :) And that was so great what Kami did at school. I hate the thought of people feeling unloved or thinking those things would never happen to them. I am so glad there are thoughtful caring kids who think of others.

  5. Sounds like a special day. What fun traditions you have --something we could work on! I was really touched by what Kami and her friends did. I love that! I can only imagine how good that made the recipients feel. I will be sure to remember that idea to encourage my kids to do in coming years! Heidi
