family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Monday, February 21, 2011

My brother

We've had my little brother here visiting, with the three-day weekend, and just sent him home.  I love it when he comes and get so excited for him to visit and love the chance to spoil him with fun activities and good food.  As excited as I get, my excitement doesn't even compare to the delight of my kids when they get to spend some time with him. 

My little brother Eli is only a few years older than Kami.  I was already away at college when he was born.  I come from one of those mormon families where I have a niece that is older than my youngest brother and a nephew that is the same age! (which, by the way, has worked out great for Eli because they are some of his best friends).  I used to wonder what kind of a relationship we would have  - would I seem more like an aunt to him, or a sibling? 

Eli, Kami and Caden

I didn't feel like I got to know him as well as I would have liked, what with only seeing him on visits when he was often off with his nieces and nephews, until last summer.  He came for a visit while we were finishing up our house and painted two beautiful murals in two of the kids rooms. We have great memories of sitting in the bedrooms and watching him work and talking and laughing.  I helped him with some of the easy stuff, and as we worked we talked, and we must have a similar humor, because I laughed more and harder than I had in a long time - my stomach muscles were sore all while he was here!  I feel like we became true siblings last summer.

Nolan's "cowboy" mural

closer detail of the above picture

He did the most amazing job, and the kids absolutely love it!!  Even more amazing is the story behind my brother.  When he was five years old he was at a birthday party and someone was opening a gift with a knife.  Eli got too close behind them, waiting to see what was inside the gift and the knife went right in his "good" eye - his other eye is what is called a "lazy eye".  After this incident, he went through surgery after surgery to keep reattaching his retina.  He used to have to wear really thick glasses and was really excited to get contacts a couple of years ago - I think he's legally blind without contacts or glasses - he can correct me there, if I'm wrong.  Anyway, I can't help but wonder how amazing his artwork will be after the resurrection when he's already this good?!

This is the "princess mural" that he did for my little girls.
This picture caught a little glare, but you get the idea.

Eli is a very strong, compassionate and loving person, perhaps because of his place in the family and perhaps because of the things that he has already gone through in life.  He makes everyone feel important and special from the oldest to the youngest in our family.  I am so glad that he's my brother!


  1. I had no idea that he went to visit you guys this weekend. How Fun! Eli is a great little brother to have. I'm so glad you posted pictures of those murals. I was hoping you would soon.

  2. I never knew about Eli's eye. That's amazing! He really is a good kid - and an amazing artist.

  3. Wow! He is so talented! He looks like such a good kid, cute story of you laughing together last summer. I bet you all love when he comes to visit!

  4. Beautiful! I knew Eli was an artist but that's just amazing!

  5. Eli is amazing in many ways. I am glad I was able to see his murals in person. He is such a great kid. Glad he was able to spend some time with you guys. Now he needs to paint at our house but I think he is trying to avoid it.

  6. I love the murals. Leslie had taken pictures on her phone from when she was there and I thought they looked great. They look even better in these big pictures.

  7. These paintings are absolutely stunning!!! So impressive; he is an incredibly talented artist!!! I hope he is going to further pursue this special gift by going to a college that offers an amazing art program!
    I almost did not recognize Eli without his glasses; he is so cute! I can’t believe how quick kids grow up. I saw him three years ago when we went up to your parents and picked cherries. He was so sweet to Charlie.
    It is great that you are actively fostering a brother and sister relationship with him!
