family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


I think that I failed to mention that this kid:

Caden Gee

got his license a couple of weeks ago!  As usual, (I'll probably worry about this with all of my kids) I was worried about having him on the roads driving solo.  Fifteen seems so young! So far, it has been great!  It's always nice to have another person to run to the store and various other errands, not to mention run THEMSELVES all the places that teenagers need to be. And, of course, he is really happy about having his license!

1 comment:

  1. Kevin got me the newest Reader's Digest and there is a funny Dave Berry article in there addressed to his daughter who is about to get her license. You might relate to it! :) Congratulations, Caden. I'm looking forward to having another driver in our family, but apparently more than Micah is. He isn't terribly excited and seems to have this idea that we might be inclined to use him once he is legal. Heidi
