family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Some Kami moments:)

A few years ago, Kami's Grandma Gee started teaching her how to teach piano by having her teach Isabelle lessons while she instructed.  Last year, Kami started teaching her own students, and this year she has set aside Wednesday and Thursday afternoons for teaching piano.  She loves it!

Today I was walking by as she and Robin played a duet and it was so cute that I had to stop and take a picture:

Also, I found this texting exchange that she had with her friend Annie.  Why do things like this make me laugh so much?!!!?:)

(Three hair bands in the toilet)

Bwahahahah!  For some reason, I get a real kick out of people getting grossed out, or something.  Sweet girl, though.  I never even heard a thing about it!

1 comment:

  1. Cute. I've put my hand in worse looking toilets though! :)

    That is neat that she can give lessons! Heidi
