family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Caden's giant camera obscura - (whatever that is)

Caden always has some sort of interesting project going on, or something interesting that he is learning about.  This was something that he did for a few days in his room this summer:

He covered everything that was putting any light into the room, and then he cut a little hole about an inch in diameter - but he says the size of the hole depends on the size of the room- (you can see the hole in the black paper to the right above).

Then, because everything has light reflecting off of it outside, part of the light will all funnel into the hole. Somehow the hole lets all of the light through, but turns it backwards and flips it upside down and the image was projected onto the other side of his room:

This was pretty cool - see the upside-down tree on his wall?  That is the tree at the end of our driveway, on the opposite side of the wall than it should be, and upside-down!

The picture on his wall changed as the day went by:

1 comment:

  1. Wierd! How interesting! That's great you were able to get such good pictures of it!
