family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Monday, July 1, 2013

superhero sunday flip-book style

Sunday these two little boys were sitting on the couch  beginning a game with their super hero action figures.  I had my cell phone handy and they were looking so cute that I requested a picture:

Then they started into a serious game and I couldn't resist capturing it because I love to watch them play:

Although it may appear so, I did not include all of the pictures.  But if you speed through them you can see how quickly their games actually move:)

Sadly, I can't share the non-stop sound effects:

I've always loved seeing little feet, that don't even begin to curl over the edge of the couch, poking out from under a book or a pillow:

It wasn't long before they were on to their faux-fighting and wrestling on the floor - an activity that they can't resist and participate in at least once an hour all. day. long.:

I love my crazy, cute, exciting boys!!


  1. Hahaha...that is so typical! I cant wait to come see all of you!!! -Eli

  2. Looks like some intense games! So cute!

  3. Love the faces! That reminded me of my four oldest boys when they were smaller would sit on the couch and play with their dinosaurs or little plastic animals or action figures and get really into the drama with sound effects galore. The sun would be shining in the window and I could see this mist of spit with each explosion, blow, or shot. It was constant. Afterward their seat would feel damp! It is serious business! Heidi
