family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

masks and earplugs

A week before Christmas Isabelle came home from school with the 24- hr -flu.  After Christmas, I realized that no one else had ever gotten it! I was so grateful!! However,  I think it may be our turn now...

Friday, after having a group of friends over to ice skate, Kami told me she wasn't feeling too great.  By morning, she couldn't even talk her throat was so sore, she was burning up with a fever and she looked miserable.  Last night Caden and Madeline came home sick. Abe had it a week before everyone else got it - the perfect person to start a family epidemic:)  The one that everyone is trying to snuggle with and hug and kiss and play with all day long!  Scripture time was pretty sparse this morning with only Shawn, me, Isabelle and Nolan as the other kids tried to sleep off their illnesses. Shawn set up a TV in Kami's room and all the sickies are in there watching movie after movie and enduring their misery together, while hopefully containing their germs...yes I am a freak about germs.

One of those pictures he will find unendurable when he's older, but that is irresistible to his mother:)

In other news, Abram has been doing super with potty training!:)  One day last week I decided to get serious and got on line and bought some potty training underwear for him.  Shawn and I were on the same page, because a couple of days later, as he was heading home from Boise, he called to say that he had just bought a bunch of potty training underwear at a Walmart there. I told him I had gotten some and he said, "Oh well!  We will do this right!!" We've both teamed up on Abram and he's doing great (and has never gotten stubborn about it like my other kids did!!) I guess it pays to wait until a kid is three to start this process:)

Isabelle comes home from school everyday and unwinds by opening up i-tunes and singing every Taylor Swift song that she knows, at her highest volume and also the computer's highest volume.  When she buys a new song (Santa got her an i-tunes card for Christmas) she listens to each part of it over and over again, and writes down ALL of the words.  She has a blue binder full of all the words to her Taylor Swift songs. We can't get Belle interested in any other singer - Kami and Caden hate Taylor Swift's music, I think Maddie likes it, and the rest of us tolerate it, but it's getting harder to bear with each passing hour of hearing the songs over....and over....and over....Finally when my head starts throbbing and I think I can't stand it any longer  I remind her that she needs to practice piano and do her homework!!

Now that I've purchased the underwear, I think my next purchases will be earplugs and masks (to keep from getting sick:)


  1. That is hilarious about Belle. I want her to do a concert for me. :)

  2. So cute! I think Taylor's coming to SLC - wanna go, Isa?

    Oh, and I want to thank you for introducing me to myfitnesspal. It's making a big difference in our lives!
