family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Our "date-away"

Shawn went over to Bend Oregon last Monday, was going to be there for a couple of days and then had some work to do in Boise, so he suggested that I meet up with him there. My sisters-in-law, Suzette and Kristi, had offered to watch the kids for us so that we could have just such an excursion, and Shawn was quick to take them up on it!  The couple of days before I left  I was wondering if it was really worth it because it was so stressful canceling appointments that the kids had or scheduling someone to pick them up from others. I worried about putting his sisters out.  I had to make sure they had enough to eat, the laundry was caught up and the house clean. (I have a hard time leaving when the house isn't just right) But the second that I left I was so glad that I did!

Shawn still had to work on Friday, but it was so rejuvenating to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted! I exercised, finished a good book and went to the mall and looked at things for just as long as I wanted to!  Shawn and I went to late movies, ate at fun restaurants and went on long walks, talked and talked and had such an enjoyable time together.  I came home feeling so relaxed and feel like my patience bucket has been filled up again.  I feel like my mind is more organized and that I"m not so flustered.  I tell you, a break was in order, and I am so grateful for my sisters-in-law for helping out so that could happen!

Maddie was opposed to our calling it a "get-away" -she thought that sounded mean.  She said it should be called a "date-away":)

This year is the first year in our marriage that we have tried to be really religious about a date every Friday night when Shawn gets home from a trip.  I never thought that dates were that important - we spent good quality time together all of the time!  We did go on official dates from time-to-time, but never weekly.  But this year I suddenly really NEEDED them!  If for some reason they didn't happen I found that I got really grouchy.  I could get through a whole week of Shawn being gone and be cheerful during it, but I realized I was just looking towards Friday night and the expectation that there would be a change.

 I think we need to add these "date-aways" from time-to-time.  I realized that I used to get a break-of sorts- when Shawn came home at night from work, but that doesn't happen any more.  When he's home (for saturday) we try to spend a lot of family time to make up for all the time he is missing with the kids, he tries to get everything done around the place that only a man can do, and the rest of the time he is gone doing church things or traveling for his job. That break was so nice for my state of mind, and Shawn loved having some company.

I know that Shawn won't always have this job, but for whatever reason it is what he is supposed to be doing right now.  I am so grateful for family members that care and watch out for us, and also watch out for our kids for us! I'm the type that has a hard time asking others for help and I appreciate so much that they offered!

And when I got home the kids had everything just as clean as when I had left.  What great kids!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you! Sounds like just the right thing! I remember my parents going for a quick weekend trip to SLC once in a while when I was a kid. Seems like a great idea to me - I'm gonna make Dave read this post :)
