family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Another teenager in the house and Raspberry season 2018

Thursday my baby girl became a teenager!  I don't know where the time has gone...she is still sweet and snuggly, smells as good as she did as a baby and smiles a lot.  Everyone still likes being around her and we all still think she's adorable.  The thing that I can't figure out is that she suddenly wants things like i-phones and acrylic nails! Luckily Tara was here before her birthday and helped with the nails.  Sadly for Isabelle, we aren't ready to let her have a smart phone yet.  I think she had an okay birthday anyway.

Before opening gifts:

Shawn and I took her out to lunch and then we went home for an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen:

We celebrated her birthday all morning and then at 4:00 we drove over to mom and dads to start the raspberry season!

Maddie and Belle have been waking up at 5:00 am every morning since - except for Sundays - to pick berries while it's cool:

While they pick, I enjoy some excellent scenery! These are all pictures from one of my morning exercise sessions:

It doesn't get any prettier or more "country" than this!:

Nolan picks a flat per day and then he and all the multitude of boy cousins have adventure after adventure. Boys from five different families:

Back l-r: Josiah, Hyrum
Middle: Chance, Nolan, Elijah, Jarom, Abram, Gideon, David
front: Pace
Some of the cousins that are regularly around were camping. 

Abrams fun ended, as it usually does, when he had an allergic reaction to something and broke out all over with itchy skin.  I feel so bad about everything that he misses out on with his allergies!  I had to give him Benadryl because he was so miserable, and then he ended up sleeping for the rest of the day:(

While in town delivering a flat of berries, Maddie and Sadie ran some advertisements around so that they could get even more customers to pick for!:

Meanwhile, mom and dad weren't even home because they flew to Tennessee for Levi and Victoria's wedding. I thought these pictures of them that Katie sent me were cute:

I know that I should have some pictures of Levi and Victoria, but I don't...

We came back Saturday because Eli wanted to go to the temple with Shawn and I.  Sadie and Emmie came and stayed a night with us and then Isabelle, Maddie, Sadie and Emmie all rode back with Eli (and went to his ward) Sunday morning to start the raspberry picking once again!

Fun times!

The girls before they left this morning:
l-r: Isabelle, Sadie, Maddie, Emmie

More pictures that Sadie sent me:

I'm so glad that my kids have so many wonderful cousins!

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