family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Some days are like that

...especially when you are cutting four molars AT ONCE. Yikes!!

This is how it went:  We were all up at Shawn's shop, and Caden had brought his camera along, as usual.  He and Kami were getting a kick out of Pace's crying faces.    I heard, "It's okay, Pace! (click, click, click)  Do you want me to hold you?"  (click, click, click, - many giggles from Kami and Caden)

Don't worry - Pace quickly got the attention that he needed:)


  1. That is so cute/funny! I can think of so many times my kids were crying or doing something and I would think, "I should take a picture of that!" Thanks for letting Dave crash at your house on Sunday. He didn't want to come home ;) He wanted to stay at Shawn's shop all day!

  2. Oh, that sweet little face makes me want to pick him up. But I can relate to Kami and Caden. Haha! Heidi
