family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today was "decades day" at school for Miss Madeline, and she chose to look like a girl from my decade in highschool (early 90's):

She didn't worry about the clothes, just did the hair.  It brought back some memories!  My brother Matt and his friends used to refer to this hair-do as the "bug-shield":) I remember girls that did their hair just the way Maddie had hers done - super high ratted bangs with permed hair.  After she left for school, I had to pull out my high school yearbooks and look at those crazy hair-dos.  Mine wasn't quite that extreme here, but I think that it may have been close years earlier!  Unfortunately this is the only picture I could find that had that type of bangs:

1 comment:

  1. I remember you giving me a lesson on how to do those bangs:)
    Other than the hair, you look exactly the same as you did in high school!
