family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Friday, May 23, 2014

The things they say Volume 4

Pace just grew into a shirt that has a monkey on it, and writing that says, "Bananas over mommy." Abram asked me what the shirt said, and after I told him, I said, "He thinks his mommy is the best mommy in the whole world!!!!!"  Abram giggled and said, "But You're NOT!!" I put on a crushed act for him, so he hurriedly back pedaled and said, "You are SOOOO pretty, mom!" I told him that I didn't really care if I was pretty if I wasn't a good mom! He soothed everything over by telling me that I was the best mommy that this family has.  Which is a very good thing, seeing as we have so many...? Then again, maybe he feels very mothered with all of the sisters that he has.

Caden came home from school and noticed the shirt and sarcastically said, "Nice shirt! Bananas over mommy?!"

I said, "Yeah! It means he's crazy about his mom!"

"Oh!  I thought it meant he liked bananas more than he liked you!"

These boys came in from a serious play-date -with their Tonka trucks in the dirt in my flower beds- with their usual summer evening grime. They had also been enjoying throwing dirt clods at each other and "showering" each other with dirt:

"What?!?! We have to take a shower?" they whined.

It's always nice when it's just straight dirt without water mixed in, which, of course, always entertains.  Or when it's just dirt and not the pile of manure that Shawn just hauled in to be tilled into our garden this weekend.  That could have been a picture earlier in the day for Abram.

Everyone is so happily entertained in the summer.  There is nothing better than watching kids play together and use their imaginations for hours on end outside. Even if they come in covered with dirt from head to toe and inside and out. (Meaning all through their hair, ground into their skin, in their ears and up their noses.) I love summer!!


  1. You need to get rid of that shirt! :)

  2. I love the grimey little boys. That is a familiar sight! I often have to do a midafternoon bath for Benjamin, Joshua, and Tabitha when they can come in for nap time, and then again at bedtime.

    Nolan is looking more grown up. I like his hair cut. When I see a picture of Abram I can't believe how much he looks like Wesley, especially in the profile picture. Cute, funny boys! Heidi
