family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No one's quite like mom

Mom left yesterday after being here for over a week helping me and helping with Pace and helping with all the other kids.  I love having her here - I loved having her here to talk to during middle-of-the-night feedings and having an extra person to hold a baby during the night so that I could squeeze in a little extra sleep! She also always finds things to do to help out around the house.  She canned my green beans and froze a lot of my leafy greens, cleaned, and cooked. She manages to spend time with all of us, talking to the kids and making them feel special. She always gives me a second opinions on how the baby is doing - jaundice is always a big worry around here- and helps me feel more relaxed about things.

It was sad to see her go - even sadder than usual because if we can't make it up to Oregon in the next couple of weeks, I won't see her again for two years.  TWO YEARS.  I tear up every time I let myself think about it.  She is one of my very best friends and I take for granted being able to talk to her at any time.  My mom is such a GOOD, SWEET lady - I hope I can grow up to be just like her:)


  1. I agree. I have so much appreciated and love your mom especially since I can't talk to or give hugs to my own mom. There are so many similarities in your mom and my mom. Marjorie is one amazing lady.

  2. Thanks. Now you've got me crying. I can't let myself think about it either!

  3. Mom is working and serving every moment of her life! She came down today and wanted me to put her to work. I gratefully allowed her to help me get my kitchen in shape and then we canned four batches of pears. It made such a huge difference to me and it was really fun to work together and visit. She is my best friend too! I love the pictures of her, especially the top one. Heidi
