family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Thursday, December 20, 2012

catch up

This season is flying by far too quickly, as happens when there are enjoyable events happening! Besides Christmas concerts and parties, my sister Katie got married on the 12th of December! (They wanted to be married on 12-12-12:) We left Kami and Caden with Shawn's parents- because we were concerned about how much school they would be missing- and took the four younger kids with us to the wedding.  It was a three day trip because Shawn needed to work on the way over -and on the way back- in Boise. We showed up in time for the wedding and left again about an hour after it was over.  I am so excited for Katie- she and Steve look so happy-and Katie looked beautiful! She has found a great guy who loves her AND her eight children, and the kids all love him.  It's such a happy- ever- after story after everything that she has been through. I took some very poor quality pictures from my cell phone:

Thought I'd also include this picture since it also includes her son Isaac(15) far left

L-R: Ila (almost 16), Emmie (12), and Gracie (10) Anne, a niece took the place of 18 yr. old daughter Abby who had to miss coming because she was in the middle of college finals:(
The happy couple
The day after we returned the Knowles family (my cousins) came to stay with us because of the happy event of my cousin Steven getting married. So lots of weddings!! It was SO fun to have the Knowles here with their four kids! Have I mentioned that I love it when people come to visit us?  It makes me feel so loved:) We are trying to talk their daughter Maddie into coming up here for college so that we can see even more of all of them!!

We moved Abby out of her apartment on Saturday as she is finished with her semester and has plans to go on a mission. She got to stay here until Wednesday and we are missing knowing that she is not here in town! It has been so fun to have her close, get to know her roommates, and be able to see her at least on every Sunday.
(Abby, second from top left with her roommates and family home evening brothers when they came over for FHE)

In other news, Abram has been having some serious anxiety any time Shawn or I go anywhere without him - he cries and asks us not to go. He tries to come along as he screams hysterically and one of us- or one of the kids- has to restrain him. It doesn't seem to matter if one of us stays here with him, he is distressed about the one that is leaving! For awhile he kept telling me, "mom, be careful!!" Recently I asked him why he was worried when we left and he said that it was because he thought one of us would be put in jail:)


  1. I hadn't heard about Katie!! I'm so excited for her--please tell her congratulations for me!!!

  2. Wow you do sound busy! When you aren't so busy sometime you should give me a call. It's been a long time since I've talked to you and no one is ever home when I try to call:(
    So why is Abram worried someone will be put it jail hmmmm? Something going on? :)
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  3. I had heard a rumor that Katie was getting married. I am so excited for her! In fact I tried to track down a phone number for her last week, apparently the one I have for her is no good. I would love to talk with her. That is very exciting that Abby is going on a mission.
