family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Monday, April 9, 2012

Grandpa's fun toy

When I take the kids to their piano lessons with their grandma Gee on Mondays, I generally just wait for them to finish if I don't have any errands to run. If the kids are happy in the car, I read something while we wait. If the weather is nice and they want to play, I follow them around the yard. But the thing that really gets them excited is when grandpa Gee comes out and offers to take them on a four wheeler ride!
I was glad that I had my camera handy today to take this cute picture!


  1. What a great photo! What a fun grandpa. What cute kids. And I love that your kids get to take piano lessons from Grandma. How neat is that!

  2. How fun to go to Grandparents for music lessons!!
