family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spelling Bee

A couple of weeks ago, Maddie was chosen as one of the kids in her class to participate in a spelling bee that was put on by the city. Top spellers were selected from all of the surrounding schools and she would be competing against 59 other spellers. She came home so excited to participate, and particularly to win one of the cash prizes that would be given to the top six contestants. I didn't want to deflate her, but I also didn't want her to be too crushed if she didn't place, so I kept reminding her that she would be doing really good just to make it through the first round.

Well, her spelling bee was tonight and she kept spelling all of her words perfectly and ended up getting third place! She is a pretty excited little girl and is $20.00 richer! (Winning placement from left to right) :

Maddie, unbeknownst to me until today, had invited her grandparents and her Aunt Kelley and cousins Alison and Nicole to come, so along with her own family she had a good cheering section. I wish I'd remembered to take pictures before they all had left. It was nice of them to come and help her feel so special! Yay Maddie!!


  1. That's so great! I would feel rich if I had $20 in my pocket! I love that she invited her own cheering section. What a cute, SMART girl! Way to go Maddie!

  2. Awesome job Maddie!! I remember being in a spelling bee in 3rd grade and I can still remember the word I mispelled at the end "balcony." I spelled it with two a's, but I always get it right now!
