family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Friday, December 9, 2011

A big boy

When Shawn got home last night I told him about one of his birthday presents: I had moved Abram upstairs to the little boy's room.  Abram has been sleeping in our closet (it's pretty roomy) ever since we moved in, and while I have loved the arrangement and liked to have him close to me for those times that he wakes up during the night, Shawn hasn't been too thrilled with the arrangement. From time to time he has asked, "Can Abram move out of our closet yet?  I can see his side - it's tough to get ready for work in the morning if there's a sleeping kid in your closet!  My side is that it's hard to see my baby grow up!

 The move went off without a hitch and both boys are as pleased as punch to get a sleep-over every single night.:) I must admit that it WAS kind-of nice to turn my lights on when I woke up this morning instead of feeling around in the dark!

* The first night that we moved Abram into Nolan's room, Nolan came out of his room after a few minutes, and, looking frightened/concerned said, "My bed keeps moving!"  We told him that it was just Abram wiggling around.  A couple of days later Nolan told me, "now when my bed moves at night I just smile."  A couple of days after THAT he said, "I don't smile anymore when my bed moves."

We usually sing two or three songs to the boys when we tuck them in and Abram usually asks for the "gallum" song.  He says "gallum" for horses because that is the sound that he thinks horses make when they run.  The other night he kept asking for his favorite horsy song, but every time I started to sing it, he vehemently said, "NO"!! I finally figured out that he wanted "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."  When he wants more songs and I have sung my limit, I can hear Nolan singing Abram's request to him after I shut the door.

1 comment:

  1. That is too cute! Look at his cute little smiling face. It is hard to see your babies grow up isn't it!
