family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Home church!
We had the best home church! Sometimes we make the best plans and then nothing goes the way we had hoped but today was a great experience! This was our program:
Church started and Anni jumped up to lead music:
We got the giggles a little bit during sacrament meeting because Caden got ready to bless the water and Shawn had put a huge mug for everyone with a swallow of water in each one😄 

After sacrament meeting we moved on to “Come Follow Me” and Sunday School for all ages. This included singing time led by Isabelle:
She had a “Singing time tic tax toe” and the first one that Anni picked said “stroke your neighbor’s face as you sing the song”:
She had lots of other fun activities for the kids to do along with the songs and we all really enjoyed it!
Singing “if you’re happy and you know it”:
Everyone playing their guitar to a song:
Anni trying to be super reverent so that she will be chosen to choose the next action/song:
Church over and the “boys” have a quick wrestle:
After church we got started on dinner and at 2:00 Jim, Marilyn and Eli came to eat with us. Then we had lemon meringue and coconut cream pie’s for a late pi day and Caden made homemade ice cream. It was such a great day with all the people I love!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love your idea to have singing time. Those pictures are so cute!
