family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Caden gets home!!!
January 23, 2020 we got up at 5:00 am and drove from Rexburg to Boise so that we could be on time for Caden! Shawn was finishing out the month on his job in Oregon, so he met us there. 

We were getting off in plenty of time; I had the kids and all of our luggage loaded. (We stayed at mom and dads for a few days again so that we would be there for my nephew Micah’s homecoming talk) I had locked all the house doors and got in the car to start it and discovered that I had grabbed Maddie’s car keys instead of the keys to the suburban! All the doors were locked and I had the only keys - I knew of- on my key ring that was locked in the house. We had some panick until we discovered some keys hanging in the garage. Kami and Maddie tried them out and they worked!!
Luckily we got there early. Adam introduced me to an app that we were able to track Caden’s flight and we got more and more excited the closer he got!
Words can’t do justice to the feelings experienced when our missionaries get home! So much gratitude and happiness and overwhelming feelings of love.
We will also never forget when Anni got stuck in the ball vending machine just before we left the airport. She was pretty delighted to be inside with all of the balls until she decided to get out and couldn’t. Luckily Shawn was able to do a “breach delivery” and get her out of the machine😂

Words also can’t express what these missions do for our kids! Caden is a man now: he’s grown in every way. It’s so good to have him home!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel teary-eyed looking at these pictures. So glad he's back!!
