family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Things They Say Volume 20

Shawn texted me when he, Isabelle and Nolan were about 1 1/2 hours from arriving home after they had been home all weekend.  Abram and Pace immediately ran outside to make sure that they were there to greet them the second they arrived.  Isabelle texted me when they were 18 miles away and I told her about the boys waiting for so long.  She texted back that Nolan had said their behavior was "quite endearing".

The rest are Paceisms:

Cold one morning in the car, "I wish my skin was all covered in hotness".

About his backpack when he couldn't find it and I asked him if it was left in the car "I brought it in, but it's not in my eyesight." He isn't used to searching for anything, as someone else usually rescues him...

I particularly like these last two:

Pace telling me about a show called Pippa Pig that his teacher puts on at Kindergarten when there is extra time: "It makes me get into it closer and closer and closer until I connect to it!"

Pace called me into his room one night after he had gone to bed because his nose "keeps getting fuzzed up".  From the way he was sniffing, I could tell that he had a stuffy nose.  He went on to say, "And it might keep going hard to breathe, easy to breathe, hard to breathe, easy to breathe, in an AB, AB pattern!"

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