family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Spring Break

We were missing Maddie, and since she has a different spring break than us, we went to visit her during ours!  Shawn had to work so I had to do all the driving, which wasn't my favorite, but we are always happy to get out of town and it helped that Katie was going to go see her four kids that live in Rexburg and we were able to caravan together.  Also, on the way there, Sally Roberts rode with me which helped me stay awake!

Mostly the kids played with cousins, once they were out of school each day.  One morning, Kristi and I took our youngest kids to Kidburg to play.  This is a new place that has a lot of imaginative rooms for kids:

Anni, Pace and Hazel:

We met Katie and her kids at the nature park later that day, too:

l-r: Ila and Abby's baby Jonathan, Britton, Nolan, Katie and David:
Eli and Abram:

I didn't take very many pictures other than that! 

Jim and Marilyn were gone until the last day because they went to the funeral of one of their friends in Oklahoma, so we spent a lot of time with the Andersons.  We were also there for Maddie's audition to Bel Cantos choir and to help her campaign for Student Body secretary!  I tried to spend as much time with her as I could while we were there.

Isabelle, of course, spent some of her time making this cake:

We still aren't used to having such long spring breaks.  A whole week?!??

I got sick halfway through the visit and felt horrible on the drive home.  I completely lost my voice, had a bad cough, and felt like my chest was clogged up and full of gunk.  When I got home I went to bed and didn't get out of it for two days.  I haven't been sick for a LONG time and attribute it to not being able to exercise all week and eat the careful way that we usually do. Good thing that it was a weekend and Shawn was home to take care of things!

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