Looks like there are lots of Pace pictures this time.
Pace likes to "help" with homework:
Cute, heart- melting things he said this week were, "I can't wait to show my kids what you look like! And I'll be like - Mom, you're the BEST mom!!" "I can't wait to have kids!! HOORAY!!!!"
Pace and his wonderful speech teacher, and our neighbor, Laurie:
Another Pace comment: "Mom, I always thought pirates talked like this...ARG!! Pull the anchors!!" Me: "Well, how DO they talk?" Pace: " They talk Spanish like this (gives imitation that sounds like "pull the anchors..."
This snack time happened shortly before I started working in the yard. Pace was playing beside me with some of his tractors and "guys". I tuned into the game he was playing when I heard him say, "Oh no!! President Nelson just got ran over by a tractor!!" Luckily Captain America was on site for a rescue...
One hot day, Pace told me that he wanted to have a water fight. Right after that, Shawn told me that he was coming home for lunch, so Pace and I walked down to the church, pretended we were spies until we saw him coming, and then ambushed him!:
Pace at soccer camp:
I watched the Faust girls last weekend while their mom, Lisa, went to Time Out For Women. They were easy girls to have around and the kids enjoyed them. Isabelle and Abby with LOTS of slime:
Pace and Lexi:
afters for the first prom:
afters for the second prom:
We went on a family walk on Sunday evening, which is a usual family activity when the weather is nice. This time we found Pace Lane:
I love all of the fresh flowers that we bring in from the yard every single season but winter!:
Aaron Ware gave us an Apple TV that he didn't want and came up to help Shawn figure it out. We're going to put it in our bedroom:
Aaron bantering with Maddie - he has found a sensitive topic because everyone has been telling her lately that her hair is really red. Aaron adds that it is "fiery red" and he should be glad that Maddie doesn't have a slate to break over his head😄. They also argue about who has more fashion sense....:
Pace discovering how to make volcanoes:
Ha ha! I'm so glad Pace saved President Nelson! Maddie is great with hair. Wow!