family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Friday, January 15, 2016

The things they say and do volume 11

Pace DEMANDED two things yesterday- and this demand thing is very real; let's keep in mind that he is almost 2 1/2...  He demanded a fun pack of m&m's, and some chili.  Then he proceeded to drop the candy into his chili and eat them together...

yum?  I've never tried it, but it must have been good because he cleaned it right up!

Abe explaining his game with his action figures to me:  "Mom, this is a PROFESSIONAL bad guy!"  Which, we all know, is pretttty bad.

Abram wrote his first story yesterday!  I thought it was pretty cute - especially the part about the pig going to market for some broccoli:) His story is on the top and I wrote the translation on the bottom so that it won't be forgotten.

He shows the least interest in all things educational out of all my kids so far, so I was pretty pleased that he was trying this out!


  1. Yum! chili with m&ms! I didn't need too much help translating Abram's story. Such a riveting plot!
