family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Friday, August 28, 2015

First day of school, 2015

We got home late the night before from meeting Eli at the airport, and I TOTALLY blew it!  I failed to get pictures of all of my kids on the first day of school:(  Which, after thinking about it, this was the worst year for me to forget to do such an important thing!  This is the only year that I will have six of my kids going to school at the same time.  Kami is a Senior, and Caden will also be graduated before Pace goes to school.

However, Kami and Caden leave for school before 7:00, and Maddie doesn't have to leave until 8:10, so no one was ready at the same time.  I DID, however, catch my grade schoolers before they got on the bus:

Isabelle is heading to fifth grade at the middle school, Nolan is in third grade, and Abram is in Kindergarten!

This year there are three more kids getting on the bus at our house: Emerson and Camryn Oliphant and David Green (not pictured).

Anyway, Kami is a Senior, and put on an assembly, with the rest of the student council, for the first day of school.  Caden is a Junior and he and Kami are in the Bel Cantos choir together this year, so that is something for both of them to look forward to. Madeline is an eighth grader!  Everyone came home pretty excited about the prospects for their new year.

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