family picture 2020

family picture 2020

Monday, November 5, 2012

We've got moose

Night before last, Jack began barking ferociously and it was pretty evident that there was a creature close around that was worrying him.  Shawn looked out the window, and said that there was a moose.  Almost as soon as he said that, he gave a yell as the moose charged Jack! Jack is kept tied up during the night, and he jerked to the side so hard and so fast that his chain broke.  Shawn grabbed Caden's bb gun and shot the moose a few times to send it on its way.

The next morning there Mr. Moose was, standing and eating contentedly on the other side of our pond.  We have moose around A LOT but this was the largest one that we have ever seen.  Not a very large rack, but a HUGE frame.  After church he turned up again - I got a picture of everyone gawking at him:)

We were hoping that Abby, who has never seen a moose before, could get a good look at him, but he wasn't moving.  Then we had the idea to send Jack over to flush him out more into the open. Pretty soon our show became pretty EXCITING -
love this pic of Maddie -it wasn't put on - I think we all did some shrieking whenever the moose charged
 The moose wasn't putting up with any nonsense and was charging Jack whenever he got up close to him. When the moose chased Jack over into our front yard we decided to tie Jack up again and get in the house!!


  1. That would be pretty exciting to see! That's neat you have so many moose that come around.

  2. I would like to see a moose, how fun!

  3. Wow! Right from your front porch! That is amazing. Love Maddie's face! :)
